Dr. Demitry served as the first Assistant Air Force (AF) Surgeon General for Modernization, where he was the Chief Information (CIO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the US Air Force Medical Service. Dr. Demitry earned his undergraduate degree with Honors from the US Air Force Academy in 1978 and his Medical Degree (MD) in 1986. Col (ret) Demitry graduated from the Air Force’s prestigious Test Pilot School in 1991 and holds the distinction as the only Test Pilot Physician in Air Force history. His test pilot assignments included directing the Advanced Fighter Technology Integration F-16 Joint Test Force at Edwards AFB, CA — as the only physician to ever hold that position.
Dr. Demitry completed medical residency training and research fellowships at Harvard in 1998. Dr. Demitry became a Diplomat (Board Certified) of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine in 2000 and remains a Fellow of the Aerospace Medical Association.
Pete is a lifetime member of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots with operational/flight test experience in the F-4, A-10, F-16, and F-15 fighter aircraft. Dr. Demitry has piloted over 37 different types of jet aircraft, logging over 2,300 fighter and flight test hours, and has been transitioning medical technologies since his AF retirement in 2006. In addition to creating the medical vision for Meridian MPS, Dr. Demitry is also the Chief Technology Editor for the leading business publication dedicated solely to physicians, ‘Today’s Practice.’ Dr Demitry also continues his practice of medicine in hyperbaric and pain management.